Time • Space • E·Ncetera


Recent update: 2016/06/26

A simple tool for PB IDE to backup whole projects or single files.

It can backup in 3 modes: single file currently opened in IDE, whole project sources/texts (all files from project directory with pb,pbi,pbp,txt extensions) and whole project folder with every file within.

The main purpose of this thing is some insurance against code-breaking actions, sometime affecting your precious code and then forcing you to spend lot of time fixing it all. Sound notification of backup process related ^^
All the backups/recovery are performed manually, backups stored as zip-archives in a folder "_backups" created near source files.


[ Recent Updates ]

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2023/04/07  \ 2 \  Color Inspectre
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2023/03/31  \ 4 \  DialogDesigner2
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2021/06/06  / 7 /  PwnPass

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